Saturday, October 6, 2012

Well the deadline for submissions for the Quilters Chalenge Has arrived! (note, due to the fact I failed to see  when I set the deadline a year ago that Oct. 6th. 2012 was Thanksgiving Weekend I will be extending the deadline to deliver your wall quilt until Fri. Oct. 12th.!)

I would like to thank everyone who  took a challenge pkg.

I have received one Submission!

Ami Alli from Smithers B.C.  has delivered her Challenge!

Ami tells me this is her first time to participate in a Challenge like this and her first time at designing her own wall quilt!

She took the inspiration from the Theme, "Where the Wilderness Beckons" and Got to it!

Ami had recently participated in a workshop on the Braided Quilt Block Design, and she wanted to incorporate this technique in her wall quilt, she also said that she wanted to try her hand at making the flying geese block using a new to her method! So she Did!

She met all the Challenges Rules,..and created a Awesome Small Wall Hanging!

Ami said she had lots of fun creating her Wall Quilt and she is really excited to see what the other people created with there packages!

Your Challenge Quilt is Awesome Ami! thanks for participating!

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